Saturday, 29 June 2013

Move a Window with the Keyboard in Windows 7

Hello friends today i am gonna show you how to move windows using keyboard in windows 7.
Yes sometimes situations come when you left with the options of using only keyboard and monitor to do a job without a mouse then these tips come in handy.

Yes knowing these steps helps in situation when mouse is not working and have to do the job urgently.

I am gonna show you three tips
Yes there are three tips in this post in which you can increment move your window in small steps,
you can snap the window right or left as you wish and atlast the multi monitor setup and some PC shortcuts.

Method 1 – Incremental Move

Step 1: Either click on the window or if you want to use the keyboard, press ALT+TAB and make the window you want to move active.

Step 2: Now go ahead and press ALT+SPACEBAR and you’ll see a small menu appear in the window.

Step 3: Now press M, which will basically choose the Move option in the menu.

Step 4: Now use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the window to the new position that you desire.

Step 5: Press the Enter key to get out of the move mode. Also, if you want to have the window go back to the original position before you started the move, press the Esc key instead.

Yes these five simple steps are easy to apply and takes less than five minutes.

Method 2 – Windows Snap

Windows 7 has a nifty feature that lets you snap windows to the left-hand or right-hand side of the screen. If you drag a window to the right or left, it will automatically resize and snap to the side.

This is really simple and comes in handy when you have to work with two windows simultaneously like copy pasting job etc..

To do this using the keyboard, press the Windows Key + the right or left arrow. Make sure to hold down the Windows key while pressing the left and right arrow keys. It’s actually pretty neat and much faster than dragging the window around the screen

Method 3 – Multi-Monitor Setups

Lastly, for moving between multiple monitors, all you have to do is add SHIFT to the above key combo, so it would simply be Windows Key + Shift + right or left arrow.

For the power users who really want to control their windows, moving may not be enough. So here’s a few other shortcuts that could come in handy if you are left with nothing but a keyboard and Windows:

End – Will display the bottom of the active window (in case you need to scroll using the keyboard)

Home – Will display the top of the active window

F11 – Will either maximize or minimize the active window

Ctrl + Tab – If you have a window with tabs, then this will move you forward through the tabs

Ctrl + Shift + Tab – Will move you back through the tabs

Windows Key + Shift + Up Arrow – This will stretch a window to the top and bottom of the screen.

Friday, 28 June 2013

How to Merge Two Images without Photoshop

Hello friends today i am gonna show you how to merge to pictures side by side without photoshop using only microsoft paint.

Yes,recently i have a situation where i have to merge two pictures without a photoshop in my friend's computer because the two pictures in combination whould give a different effect then the two separately.

So lets start this.

First select two pictures which you gonna merge

The next thing we want to do is to figure out the image sizes. Depending on the photos you are trying to combine, you may have to crop one in order for it to fit properly next to the other image.

Open one of the image in microsoft paint.

Click on the little arrow to the left of the Home tab and click on Properties. Here is where we will see how big the image is in pixels or inches.

Click on the resize button on the home tab

You can either do it by percentage or by pixels if you prefer. You also want to make sure you keep the Maintain aspect ratio box checked.

Once you have resized it, then you can also crop it if you want. Again, you can always go to Properties to see the final size of the image in pixels or inches. That way you can adjust the second image to be the same size if you want that.

After you are done adjusting the size and cropping, go ahead and save the photo. Now open the second image and do the same adjustments to match the first image. Now to the fun part of combining the images. Make a note of the sizes of both images and then create a new file in Paint.

By default, it’s going to create a new file with a default size. We need to specify the size of our new image so that the width is exactly the width of image 1 to image 2 and the height is just the height of one image.

In my case first image is 1280*800 and second image is 960*600 and I then resized them to half. So I need to change my new image size to 1120 × 300 in order to accommodate both images. Make sense? Again, go to Properties and adjust the size manually:

Note that this will put the two images side by side. If you wanted them on top of each other, then you would make the width in our case 480 and the height 700. So just have to do a little math to get the right size for what you want to do. Once you have resized the new image, go ahead and open another instance of Paint.

Open one of the images and click Select All to select the whole image. Then click on Copy.

Now go to the new image and click on the Paste button at the top left. It should look like this now:

Now in the second instance of Paint, go ahead and open the second image and Select All and then Copy. Then Paste it into the new image. By default, it’s going to go right over the first image. If you hover your mouse over the image, you’ll see you can drag it to a new location. Just click and drag to the right side.

So that’s it! Now just do a File – Save As and go ahead and save the combined image! It can take a little time and patience, especially if you have two images that are completely different in size, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy. It’s also good to know just in case you are using someone’s computer that doesn’t have third-party photo editing software installed. Enjoy!

Change Drive Letters In Windows 7

Hello friends,Today i am gonna show you how to change drive letters in Windows 7

 After a new hard drive installation or maybe just to keep your system organized, you may want to change the drive letter of a CD/DVD/BD drive or hard drive in Windows 7. The Disk Management tool makes this really easy.

You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps.
If you don't like the letter Windows has assigned to a new drive or you want to organize your drive letters in a certain way, you can change the drive letter.

Yes you can change your drive letters and get rid of usual C,D,E and F etc and show your friends that there are other letters in the alphabet and make your computer different but remember you should not change the drive letters of the drive where operating system is installed basically Drive C.Because all programs installed in this directory are assigned with drive letter C and the program will stop working if the path is invalid.So don't mess with your OS.

Ok ,now lets Start this

First Go to My Computer Icon and Right Click On it

You will see Manage ,click on it

Computer Management window will open up shown inthe picture below

Click on Storage And then Disk Management

Disk Management window will open

Now you will see a list of all the volumes on the Windows 7 computer and a break-down of the partitions by disk. For any removable media you may have attached like USB flash drives, you will see the word “Removable” under the name of the disk.

you will also see the partition of the hard disk with drive letter assigned to each of them with storage size and also free space left in each drive.

To change the drive letter, simply right-click on the partition and choose Change Drive Letter and Paths.

Then click on the Change button and then choose a new letter from the drop down menu.

Click ok and here we go

 The above mentioned steps are easy to apply and just takes less than five minutes. Hope u like the tutorial.

But let me remind you that changing drive letters has also some disadvantage when it comes to system drive. avoid changing the drive letter of the drive where system files of the software installed because changing the drive letter od the drive where software files are installed makes them not working any more because the path has been changed.

Also avoid changing the drive letters of the drive where OS is installed

Quite simple,enjoy.

This method can also be used to change drive letters in windows Xp,Vista and Windows 8

if u have any doubt,feel free to comment

Hide Files and Folders Without Any Software

Hello friends, as you know in todays world privacy is important and when it comes to laptops and PCs no one will compromise with this fact.Privacy is very important weather it be your projects,files important data or videos or other things.Today i am gonna show you all how to hide folders,files and other data in windows 7 without usnig any software.

In internet there are dozens of Software to hide files and folder but no need of softwares in Windows 7

Yes with windows 7 you can by default hide your impotant files and folders

Ok,lets start this.

First go to control pannel and click Folder Options

On clicking Folder optins Another window will open With three tabs namely


Go to view tab

Then expand Files and Folders > Hidden Files and Folders

 and click on "Dont't show hidden files and folders or drives"

Now click Apply and Ok

Now Go to the Folder you want to hide and Right click on it and go to its properties and go to general tab

Click on Hidden in Attributes and click ok

Your folder will be gone and Hidden

To Again Access the folder go to control pannel>folder option>Files and Folders>Hidden Files and Folders

And Click On " Show Hidden files,folders and Drives " and press Ok

You will access the hidden folder in the same location where you have hide the folder.

You can hide any music,video files or any picture by this way.

Make folder Invisible

In this method there is no need to make folder option show or do not show. Here the point is tomake the folder invisible to others so that no one can access to the folder.the disadvantage of this process is
 anyone can still access the folder, given they find it. For example clicking [CTRL] + [A] will select and highlight all files and folders, including invisible ones.
windows 7 hidden folders
This method reqires two things.First remove the folder name and second make the folder icon transparent.

To remove the folder name


Select the folder and press F2

Now holding the ALT key type the number on the Num pad 0160

Hit Enter and the folder name should be gone.

To make the folder transparent

Right click on the folder and go to its properties

 Switch to the > Customize tab and click the > Change Icon… button.

 Several blank icons can be found in the default Windows 7 icon collection. Find one, select it and click > OK.

hide folders

you can also download many free softwares from the internet which can be used to hide files and folders like My Lockbox but if  someone saw in your PC that you have such software he will be sure that you have some important files and folders hidden in your PC.


Feel free to comment

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Download Youtube Videos Directly To PC or Mobile

Many of you know about youtube.  Its a popular website for all kinds of videos to watch. Millions of users prefers youtube for watching videos than any other site but many of you want to download your videos from youtube so than you can watch them offline or  convert them so than you can watch them on yor mobile or other comatable devices.

In internet there are dozens of software which allows users to download youtube videos but many of you want them in compatable format without any software.

Well there are many ways you can download them directly to your pc with various formats compatable to your device like mp4,3gp,flv,etc

So in this post I am gonna tell u how to download youtube videos directly to your PC In various formats without any software.

Step 1: First visit and search for the video u want to downlaod.

Step 2: Click on the video and a flash player will load showing videos is loading.

Step 3: Copy the video url like and paste in
            another tab.

step 4: Just edit the url in url tab and put "ss" before youtube like 


Step 5: Hit load and another website will come which ask you to save the file in
              whichever format you want.

Download and enjoy the video

Actually allow you to doanload file from many websites like , ,,    ,    , ,    ,, etc

You can download youtube videos from your mobile also applying the same trick.
Just edit  "m." to "ss"

There are number of websites in the internet from where you can download youtube videos by pasting the video url. After clicking it will ask you which format you want to download and in many resolutions. Similar sites are , , etc.

There are many softwares also like youtube downloader and the process is same but it will download the video in the same format in which it is available.

If you like the post comment below..

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

Most of the people do surfing  internet  using internet explorer. Well it is one of the best browser.
Knowing internet explorer shortcut makes the browsing easier and saves a lot of time as in today’s world time means money.
Here I am going to introduce you some of the basic internet explorer shortcut keys.

Below are the list of shortcut keys which on memorizing makes the browsing easier..

 Shortcut Keys


Alt + Left Arrow

Go to the previous page


Go to the previous page

Alt + Right Arrow

Go to the next  page


Refresh current page, frame, or tab.


Display the current website in full screen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode.


Stop page from loading.

Ctrl + (- or +)

Increase or decrease the font size, pressing '-' will decrease and '+' will increase.

Ctrl + Enter

Quickly complete an address. For example, type google in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER to get

Ctrl + D

Add a Favorite for the page currently opened.

Ctrl + I

Display  bookmarks.

Ctrl + N

Open New  window.

Ctrl + P

Print current page or frame.

Ctrl + T

Opens a new tab.

Ctrl + F4

Closes the currently selected tab.

Ctrl + Tab

Moves through each of the open tabs.


Moves down a page at a time.

Shift + Spacebar

Moves up a page at a time.

Alt + Down 

Display all previous text entered in a text box or available options on drop down menu.

Alt + D

Highlights the text in the address bar

Ctrl + E                                Open the search Box

Ctrl + H                                Open the History Box
Ctrl + F                                 Find on this page
Up Arrow              Scroll toward the beginning of a page
Down Arrow            Scroll toward the end of a page
Page Up                Scroll toward the beginning of a page in larger  increments 
Page Down             Scroll toward the end of a page in larger increments
Ctrl + S                                 Save The Current Page