Wednesday, 26 June 2013

On-Screen Keyboard and its Advantage in Windows 7

Its a great feature that windows 7 provides for users who are physically challenged or if you feel that your external keyboard is not working properly or some particular key is not functioning  well then you can use onscreen keyboard on your desktop screen.

Now, when you use Windows 7's On-Screen Keyboard, you can adjust the settings by adding such tools as Prediction and Scan Through Keys, both of which can increase your speed by leaps and bounds.

On-Screen Keyboard displays a visual keyboard with all the standard keys.
Using the On-Screen Keyboard, you can type with the mouse or other pointing device, such as a joystick, pen, or mouth-stick.

Now to acsess on-screen keyboard there are two ways...

First Method

Choose Start>Control Panel>Ease of Access>Ease of Access Center.

The Ease of Access Center appears and Windows 7’s ethereal voice kicks in, explaining how to change its programs.

Click the Start On-Screen Keyboard button.

A keyboard appears, floating in the middle of your screen.

Second Method(easy)

Just click on start button in windows 7 and in "Search Programs and files" just bellow "All Programs" type "osk".

Click on osk file and on-screen keyboard will pop up.

Advantage of On-Screen keyboard

First of all the most common advantage is for those persons with physical disabilities where they find it the most reliable tool if they are in windows


The onscreen keyboard is the most useful feature in windows, especially if you are working online. You can keep your passwords and usernames along with other information safely (to an extent) by entering these keywords via using onscreen keyboard. These online banking that’s why asks its users to use onscreen keyboard while doing online banking.

As you all should know that every key of your keyboard has its default value which is when pressed provides an information to the hackers or hacking tools (if any). But in case of onscreen keyboard this cant be tracked as onscreen keyboard is a virtual keyboard being a software part of windows and thus is safer than we can expect


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